Curious about what the stars have to say about your personality? And, even more importantly for this Spanish learning blog…
Wondering how to talk about it en español?
Whether you’re are a fiery Aries, or an emotional Cancer, we’re sure you’ll enjoy this episode of Speaking Spanish for Beginners about Spanish Zodiac signs.
A fun topic to talk with your amigos and bond with them. You’ll learn some basic vocabulary terms related to astrology and the horoscope.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- Adjectives to describe your personality based on your sign.
- How to use the structure “tener que” to give advice.
- How to ask questions about Zodiac signs.
Spanish Zodiac signs
Let’s take a look at the Zodiac signs in Spanish. You can also hear how each sign is pronounced in Spanish.
Aries = Aries
Taurus = Tauro
Gemini = Géminis
Cancer = Cáncer
Leo = Leo
Virgo = Virgo
Libra = Libra
Scorpio = Escorpio
Sagittarius = Sagitario
Capricorn = Capricornio
Aquarius = Acuario
Pisces = Piscis
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Talk about astrology in Spanish
Learning about the Zodiac signs in Spanish is a fantastic way to kickstart your conversations about what the stars have in store for you.
It’s an exciting topic that can spark intriguing conversations with other Spanish speakers and fellow learners.
Not only does exploring the Zodiac signs in Spanish provide insights into your own personality, but it also serves as an easy-to-remember method to expand your vocabulary for describing someone’s character.
To start a conversation about this topic, you can ask:
¿Cuál es tu signo? What’s your sign?
To provide a simple answer to that question, the structure is: ser + your sign
Example: Soy Géminis, ¿y tú? (I’m Gemini, and you?)
Who knows? Maybe you and your amigos are compatible signs.
An interesting exercise can be reading your horoscope in Spanish and then explaining what your read to your friends. Find opportunities to chat and discuss topics, it’s the only way to become conversational in Spanish.

To wrap it up, delving into the world of astrology and exploring the Zodiac signs in Spanish offers an exciting way to learn the language.
Engaging with native Spanish speakers, checking your horoscope, and expanding your Spanish vocabulary with astrological terms all contribute to your language learning journey.
So, why not combine your interest in astrology with improving your Spanish skills? By incorporating aspects of astrology into your language practice, you can both have fun and enhance your proficiency.
Let the stars be your guide as you navigate conversations and expand your cultural knowledge.
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Marco Fierro — Spanish G.O.A.T. Maestro
¡Hola! I’m an enthusiastic Spanish teacher passionate about making my language accessible to YOU.
When I’m not teaching, I love traveling and rocking out on my electric guitar.
Let’s have fun learning ESPAÑOL together. ¡Vamos!