Spanish Social Media Vocabulary

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, you likely use and share information on social media.

Whether it’s staying connected with friends, sharing updates with your followers, or exploring the latest memes and trends, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives.

In this episode of Speaking Spanish for Beginners you’ll have the opportunity to learn useful social media words and phrases in Spanish. These will help you effectively communicate with your friends and acquaintances, allowing you to confidently exchange contact information.

You’ll first listen to a conversation between two friends, Jessica and Marco, who discuss their favorite social media platforms, giving you practical examples of how to use the vocabulary in context.

And then, you’ll hear the explanation of the vocabulary and expressions used in the dialogue.¡Vamos!

Dialogue Transcript 

Marco: Jessica, ¿te gustan las redes sociales? 

Jessica: Sí, me gustan mucho. Soy muy activa en redes sociales. Mi favorita es Tik Tok, tengo muchos seguidores. ¿Te gusta Tik Tok? 

Marco: No me gusta Tik Tok. Me gusta más Twitter, o X. Me gusta ver las publicaciones de Twitter, pero a veces es un poco tóxica. La gente discute mucho. 

Jessica: No me gusta nada Twitter. Es muy aburrida. La gente publica muchas tonterías en Twitter.

Marco: También tengo un perfil de Facebook. A veces subo fotos con mi familia y amigos. Es una red social más personal.

Jessica: Facebook está bien. A mi abuela le gusta. Pareces un viejo.

Marco: ¡Oye! Tengo 35 años. No soy tan viejo.

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Social Media Vocabulary

In the dialogue above, the two speakers used several terms that are commonly used across different social media platforms. 

Redes sociales: noun. Social media platforms. 

Seguidor/a: noun. Follower. 

Amigo/a: noun. Friend (on Facebook,)

Publicación: noun. A post. 

Publicar: verb. To post.

Perfil: noun. A profile.

Subir: verb. To upload (In other contexts, “subir” can also mean “to go up”.) 

Some additional Terms in Spanish on Social Media

In this section, we will provide you with a list of Spanish vocabulary that is specifically related to certain social media platforms or can be useful in describing them.

By mastering this additional set of vocabulary, you’ll have even more handy material at your disposal, allowing you to communicate about social media like a native speaker.

Suscriptor/a: noun. Subscriber.

Tuitear: verb. To tweet (Only on X, formerly known as Twitter.)

Historias: noun. Stories (A post that dissapears after 24 hours, common on Instagram and Facebook.) 

Aburrido/a: adjective. Boring. 

Divertido/a: adjective. Fun.

Tóxico/a: adjective. Toxic. (Ex: X es tóxica)

Amigable: adjective. Friendly. (Ex: Instagram es más amigable.)

Parecer: verb. To seem / To sound (Example in the dialogue: Pareces un viejo = You sound like an old man.)

We hope this blog post has provided you with great material so you can talk about social media with confidence. The vocabulary lists in this article offer you relevant and practical terms to express yourself effectively in Spanish.

By expanding your social media vocabulary, you are taking important steps towards mastering this new language and becoming a more fluent communicator in the digital world.

So, go ahead and explore different social media networks, express your thoughts and opinions, and connect with others. using the Spanish words you’ve learned.

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