Shadowing: An Exercise to Improve your Spanish Speaking Skills

Have you been lurking in the shadows of silence during your Spanish practice? 

Feel like you’re always one step behind? 

Let’s flip the script and use the speech shadowing technique to get you speaking like true latino.

In this video, I walk you through this fun learning technique and show you how to incorporate it into your daily practice to learn Spanish 


Shadowing — A Fun Exercise to Improve your Spanish | Latin ELE YouTube Channel

What is Shadowing?

Shadowing is an exercise where you listen carefully to a native speaker, repeat what they say immediately after, and try to mimic their pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation as closely as possible.

Think of it as being like a parrot, but with a purpose!

This technique was originally used to train interpreters, but now it’s widely recognized as an excellent method for language learners.

If you’re a Spanish beginner, shadowing is a great way to train your ear and improve your speaking skills, even if you don’t fully understand every word.

Why is Shadowing So Effective for Spanish Learners?

You might wonder, “How can repeating someone help me speak better?” Well, here’s why it works:

  1. Active Listening: It forces you to pay close attention to how words are pronounced and the intonation patterns used by native speakers.
  2. Muscle Memory: Your mouth and brain start to work together to replicate the sounds and rhythm of Spanish, helping you build speaking confidence.
  3. No Partner Needed: You can practice at your own pace, anytime, anywhere!

A Good Resource for Beginners To Practice Shadowing

“La Aventura de Luna” is a book for Spanish beginners, available in audio, ebook, and paperback.

It contains 30 chapters, each about 2 minutes long, making it ideal for shadowing practice.

Here, you can listen to the first two chapters and follow along with the transcript below.

Remember, the goal is to listen carefully to the words and phrases, then repeat to practice your Spanish pronunciation.

Two chapters of “La Aventura de Luna”, a book for Spanish Beginners

Chapter 1: ¿Quién es Luna?

Luna es una gatita pequeña, alegre y juguetona. Vive en el campo con Andrea y Antonio, sus dueños, en un lugar rodeado de colinas.

Su día es simple. Por la mañana, Luna come temprano y luego sale a pasear por los alrededores. Allí juega con otros gatos, persigue insectos y caza ratones.

Le gusta estar al aire libre, es divertido y relajante.

Por la tarde, vuelve a casa. A Andrea y Antonio les encanta pasar tiempo con ella después del trabajo.

Cuando está adentro, Luna se limpia mientras mira la televisión. Le gusta estar limpia y bonita. Es una gata vanidosa.

La vida de Luna en el campo es feliz y tranquila.

Chapter 2: Noche de Aventuras

El momento favorito de Luna es la noche. Cuando todo está oscuro, ella sale un rato al patio. Le gusta cazar insectos, especialmente polillas.

En su opinión, las polillas son torpes y fáciles de atrapar. Siempre llegan con la luz. Luna las mira y espera el mejor momento para saltar sobre ellas.

Después de divertirse en la oscuridad de la noche, entra nuevamente a casa. Cerca de la medianoche, se acuesta en su cama y se prepara para dormir.

¡Es tiempo de soñar!

Ella sueña con ratas grandes y gordas. En sus sueños, ella caza muchos ratones de campo. Son animales sucios y desagradables.

Luego de dormir plácidamente, Luna despierta con los cantos del gallo, muy temprano por la mañana

— ¡Quiquiriquí! 

Es un nuevo día para disfrutar en el campo.

Feel free to listen as many times as you need, and keep practicing your shadowing.

The more you do it, the more natural your Spanish will sound!

You can find the full audiobook version of La Aventura de Luna on Amazon, which includes 30 short chapters with English translations side by side.

Perfect for beginners who want to keep improving without constantly reaching for the dictionary.

Final Thoughts

We really hope this entry gives you new ideas for your language learning sessions.

Shadowing is a great technique to practice your target language, improve your listening skills, and at the same time, enhance your pronunciation.

Shadowing helps you become more familiar with Spanish sounds and get into the flow of your target language.

Have fun and keep getting better at speaking!

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Marco Fierro — Spanish Beginners Cult Leader

¡Hola! I’m an enthusiastic Spanish teacher passionate about making my language accessible to YOU.

When I’m not teaching, I love traveling and rocking out on my electric guitar.

Let’s have fun learning ESPAÑOL together. ¡Vamos!

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