Greetings and Farewells in Spanish

So you have decided to learn Spanish but don’t know where to begin? Greetings and farewells are a good starting point.

And here at Latin ELE we’re more than glad to help you start off on the right foot in your Spanish journey.

To help you out, we have created this entry where you will learn basic Spanish words to get started and have your first conversations with your amigos.

Here you will find the podcast Speaking Spanish for Beginners and the show notes about Spanish Greetings and Farewells.

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Greetings in Spanish

Some common greetings, separated by formal and informal, are the following.

Informal Greetings

Hola, ¿cómo estás? : Hi, how are you?

Hola, ¿qué tal? : Hi, how is it going?

¿Qué hubo? : What’s up? (this is a very informal greeting!)

Formal Greetings

Depending on the time of the day.

Buenos días: Good morning.

Buenas tardes: Good afternoon.

Buenas noches: Good evening.

Farewells in Spanish

Let’s review now some words to say goodbye in Spanish. Most of the ways to say goodbye listed here simply mean ‘bye’. Translation is provided where it has a different meaning.


Chao (informal)

Nos vemos : See you

Hasta pronto : See you soon

Hasta luego : Until later

Hasta mañana : See you tomorrow

Buenas noches… Again? Yes, but here it means ‘Good night’. So it changes depending on the context.

Latin ELE YouTube Channel | Greetings and Farewell in Spanish

We hope this article helped you learn some common Spanish greetings and farewells!

And if you want more content to improve your Spanish, at Latin ELE we create podcasts, videos, and courses to teach Spanish with an emphasis on the culture of Latin America. So, don’t hesitate to dive in and start learning today!

¡Que te vaya bien! Chao.


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Marco Fierro — Spanish G.O.A.T. Maestro 

¡Hola! I’m an enthusiastic Spanish teacher passionate about making my language accessible to YOU.

When I’m not teaching, I love traveling and rocking out on my electric guitar.

Let’s have fun learning ESPAÑOL together. ¡Vamos!

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