Cheers in Spanish

Not sure how to toast en español at social gatherings?

In this episode of Speaking Spanish for Beginners, you’ll learn how to say cheers in Spanish so you can celebrate and have fun with your amigos.

🥂 Grab your glass and get ready to clink your copa with your friends. ¡Vamos!

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Ways to Say Cheers in Spanish


The standard and most used form to say cheers in Spanish is “¡Salud!

This word literally means “health.” One theory says that in the past, it was not uncommon to find food in bad condition, which lead to intoxication.

So saying “salud,” or “health,” was a way of expressing a good wish so you don’t get sick from the food that goes with your drink.

The simplest way to make a toast en español is by simply saying ¡SALUD! It works in all Spanish-speaking countries.

Example: Por un año lleno de felicidad. ¡Salud!

¡Por Nosotros!

This phrase is used to celebrate the group or the relationship among the people toasting. It’s a way to honor friendship and love.

“Por nosotros” means literally “for us.” It’s perfect for a special occasion where you want to convey a special bond within the group.

Example: Mi amor, por muchos años más de relación. ¡Por nosotros!

¡Arriba, Abajo, Al Centro y Adentro!

This is a fun and lively way to toast in Spanish. It involves a series of movements that add a playful element to the toast:

  • Arriba: Raise your glass up.
  • Abajo: Lower your glass down.
  • Al centro: Move your glass to the center.
  • Adentro: Take a sip!

Literally “up, down, to the center, and inside.”

Example: Por un gran año juntos. ¡Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro!

Toast Etiquette

Look in the Eyes: It’s important to look into the eyes of the person you’re toasting with. Otherwise, it’s seven years of bad luck… or so they say!

Personalize Your Toast: If you want to make a memorable impression, add a personal touch to your toast. Mention something special about the occasion or the people you’re with.

Wait for Everyone: Make sure everyone has their glass ready before toasting. No one likes to be left out.

☕️ Invite Marco to a coffee (or beer 🍻) and help him create more episodes for you

We hope you learn a lot about how to toast en español. So the next time you clink your glass with your amigos, you can use these different forms to say cheers and have fun.

And if you need extra material to get started, our podcast Speaking Spanish for Beginners has over 60 episodes to help you learn in a fun and engaging way.

To your health! ¡Salud!

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