Cats have taken over the internet world and captured our hearts with their quirky personalities and amusing reactions.
We’ve all fallen into the rabbit hole of watching their cute and entertaining videos on social media. But have you ever thought of using this fascination to connect and bond with your amigos latinos over your love for animals?
In this episode of Speaking Spanish for Beginners podcast, we’re excited to share some practical vocabulary related to cats that will help you do just that.
The PURR-FECT episode for cat lovers learning Spanish.
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Cat Vocabulary in the Episode
In this podcast Spanish lesson you’ll have the chance to learn:
- How to describe your cat’s daily routine in Spanish.
- Essential adjectives to express your minino’s unique personality
- Handy pet vocabulary related to basic pet care
Practice and improve by sharing your love for your pet in Spanish. Your gatito will thank you later! Meow
Need Some Additional Help?

If you’re looking for extra materials to complement your Spanish lessons and study along with our podcast, we’ve created the ¡Vamos! Spanish Beginner Podcast Companion.
It includes study guides with a summary of all our podcast episodes, quizzes, and videos to help you get the most out of each listening experience