Where do you live? Where are you from? Learn how to answer in Spanish

If you have been asked the question “¿De dónde eres?” but don’t know what it means or how to reply, in this podcast and blog you will learn how to do it effortlessly so you can start having conversations in Spanish with your friends.

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Verb “ser” = to be

It is used to talk about nationality or city of origin of somebody/something.

Conjugation of ser
Yo soy
Él/ella/usted es
Nosotros(as) somos
Ustedes/ellos/ellas son

You can use the nationality after “ser”
Example: yo soy chileno.

You can also mention the country. For that you need to add “from”, which is “de”.
Example: yo soy de Chile (I’m from Chile)

To ask “Where are you from?” you can say “¿De dónde eres (tú)?

Verb “vivir” = to live

Conjugation of vivir
Yo vivo
Él/ella/usted vive
Nosotros(as) vivimos
Ustedes/ellos/ellas viven

We add en after vivir to mention the country or city.
Example: yo vivo en Concepción (I live in Concepción)

To ask “Where do you live?” you say ¿Dónde vives?

Some Countries and Nationalities

Estados Unidos = adj. Estadounidense (for man/woman)
Canadá = adj. Canadiense (for man/woman)
Reino Unido = adj. Británico/a (changes depending on gender)
Australia = adj. Australiano/a (changes depending on gender)

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Dialogue Transcript

Marco: ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo te llamas?
Jessica: Me llamo Jessica, ¿y tú?
Marco: Me llamo Marco, ¿de dónde eres?
Jessica: Soy de Medellín, Colombia.
Marco: Yo soy de Santiago, Chile. pero vivo en Concepción. ¿Dónde vives tú?
Jessica: Vivo en Concepción.

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