Getting to know Ecuador – Cultural Shocks for Americans

Have you ever traveled to a country with a totally different culture than your own? If so, you probably experienced some cultural shocks.

In the latest episode of Aprende Español con Latin ELE, we interviewed Andres from Spanish with Andres, who shared with us the things that surprise Americans the most when they visit his home country, Ecuador.

Some of the things that surprised Andres’ American friends were the fact that Ecuadorians eat popcorn for lunch, that they use the US dollar as their currency, and that they have a different way of using the bathroom. But these are just some examples of the many cultural differences that make Ecuador such an interesting and unique place to visit.

If you’re curious to learn more about these cultural differences and the surprises that Americans face when visiting Ecuador, make sure to check out our latest episode. We promise it will be an eye-opening experience that will make you want to grab your passport and book a trip to South America.

So what are you waiting for? Hit play and get ready for an adventure!

Andres Contact Information

If you want to contact Andres, you can reach out to him on his website:

Do you need some help to understand this episode?

We know that following a conversation between two native speakers can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve included this transcript in our Pack Latin American Countries. A great resource to help you out and improve your listening skills.

Grab it now and get ready to dive into Ecuadorian culture!

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