Latin American Horror Tale: El Chupacabras

In the 90s, a mysterious creature terrified rural communities across Latin America with its eerie method of killing livestock.

Farmers from various countries reported finding dead animals with their bodies completely intact but drained of every drop of blood.

These attacks happened at night, and the creature became known as the infamous “Chupacabras” — literally, the goat-sucker.

But what exactly is this monstrous creature? Is it real, or just a myth?

In this episode of Speaking Spanish for Beginners, we explore the legend of el Chupacabras while helping you improve your Spanish skills.

Listen in to learn some spooky vocabulary and dive deeper into this famous Latin American horror tale.

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The Chupacabras Listening Activity Transcription

Spanish (Original)English Translation
El Chupacabras es una criatura misteriosa. Es un monstruo que ataca de noche y bebe la sangre de los animales.

La historia del Chupacabras empieza en los años 90 en Puerto Rico. En ese tiempo, muchos granjeros encuentran animales muertos en sus campos, con el cuerpo completo, pero sin sangre.

Hay diferentes ideas sobre cómo es el Chupacabras. Algunas personas dicen que parece un perro grande y peludo. Otras personas dicen que es como un reptil gigante con dientes afilados.

¿Qué es el Chupacabras? ¿Tú crees que es real?
The Chupacabras is a mysterious creature. It’s a monster that attacks at night and drinks the blood of animals.

The story of the Chupacabras began in the 90s in Puerto Rico. At that time, many farmers found dead animals in their fields, with the body intact but without blood.

There are different ideas about what the Chupacabras looks like. Some people say it looks like a large, hairy dog. Others say it’s like a giant reptile with sharp teeth.

What is the Chupacabras? Do you think it’s real?
El Chupacabras | Episode 76 — Speaking Spanish for Beginners

Verbs to Describe How Chupacabras Attacks

Here are two key verbs used to describe how el Chupacabras attacks farm animals:

  • Atacar de noche = to attack at night
  • Beber la sangre = to drink the blood

Both are regular verbs in Spanish, so they’re perfect for beginners to practice!

Description of the Chupacabras

Descriptions of this legendary creature vary, but two common sightings describe it as:

  • Un perro grande y peludo = A large, hairy dog
  • Un reptil gigante con dientes afilados = A giant reptile with sharp teeth

The mystery of “la leyenda del Chupacabras” lives on today. From time to time, you still hear stories about strange animal deaths with no blood left in their bodies.

Is it a wild dog? An alien creature? Perhaps we’ll uncover the truth about the Chupacabras one day.

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